Thursday, May 1, 2008

an open challenge to one man

i Daryl (The Hardest Working Man in America) lay down an open challenge to noah (grab bag) cicero, to come blacksmith along side me, and see who can out work who, you declared you could out work, the working class. ok mr. "writer"... come, and see if you can out work me, what it'll be? blacksmithing? welding? brute labor? none of that college-drop-out-work like working at Chilies or TGI fridays. see if you can out smith me... put your labor where your mouth is


Noah Cicero said...

we will see who can blacksmith more horse shoes in one hour.

I can make like 200 in one hour.

daryl said...

hahahahaha 200, your delicate writer fingers will be crushed. "i can make "like" 200 in one hour"? you write as a 17 year old girl talks. that won't procure you a life time publishing deal. tao lin knows he's inferior to me, and he can accept it, do some soul searching.... or if you want to skip that come and let me show you what a real blacksmith can do.... and i'll crush your soul, and your little girl fingers, for you